This is What We Have Been Doing Since 2003

This is What We Have Been Doing Since 2003

Posted on December 4th, 2022

Chronology of Meetings

1991 Cathedral vacated. Bishop Balke gives many parishioner the right to strip what ever they want. People try to take more even after Care and Share Shelter ownership. 

1996 New board formed for acceptance of ownership of former Cathedral from Care and Share. Research and put on Historic Register. Polk County tax assessor trys to collect property tax, Board occupied with a court fight for many years. No real membership list. Board is burned out.

2002 May 29 Kay comes on board with the idea of a regional stained glass museum similar to the Smith Museum in Chicago since enough original stained glass can be found to redo the entry. Glass $35,000 plus whatever Light House wants for five Apostle windows no one paid them for taking them out. Dan Morlan resigns. New officers and only Board members now are: Kay, Chair, Kathie, Secretary, and Jennifer, treasurer.

2002, June 11. Kay took minutes. Discussion of new mission, “Rediscover, Redevelop, and Revitalize Historic Crookston. New strategy, to point out that there are many vacant buildings, Cathedral just one, and to diffuse the pain associated with past endeavors to save Cathedral.

2002 July. New brochure designed by new board member, Gail Myers. Kay and Kathy talked about being at the all school reunion with sample plates and the new brochures. Not productive, people too busy meeting people to notice any handouts. Much more planning needs to be done. Held two bake sales to Made $45. Decided not to do the Oxcart concession since profit is only $145. 

2002 August 13. Kay and daughter walked in parade and handed out brochures. Could have used 2 times as many brochures. Try to sell Crookston High School Auditorium chairs which fill the former Cathedral. 

2002 Sept.17. Discussion of accessing the Lodging Tax Fund of $75,000 for a feasibility study. Can be done. Discussion of a potential benefits we can hold.

2002 Oct 1, 15. Gene and John approved as new Board members. New mission and revised by-laws approved. $10 basic membership approved. All board members paid up at this time. Kay met with Lee Marthaler on the Wayne Hotel. He will donate building. Vote was in favor of accepting ownership as long as he paid up the back taxes and he paid the taxes and insurance for a period of time, plus all other due diligence in the transfer. The plan would be to put together the former financing package and create an income stream for the foundation.

2002 Nov 5, 26, Kay calls City Council members to get their opinions about including the church in the next block grant. City said yes, it is possible but would reduce the amount of flood protection they will be asking for. Fundraising mailing went to o “Crookston” and income range “5.”

 2002 Nov. 13. Review Kay’s mailing list she bought of 4100 names in and within 15 miles of Crookston. Kay obtains copies of the files of the old Wayne Hotel transaction that fell through.

2002 December meeting canceled

2003 January. Insurance carrier tells us they are dropping us. Vacant buildings too risky. Board members are personally liable for Cathedral. Gene resigns due to liability risk. Kay’s Mom dies.

2003 February 4, 18. Kay is on “Valley Talk” on KROX. The letter of cancellation from the insurance company was in violation of the terms of the policy. Interviewed two people to hire for filing, research, copying etc .Position is funded through Workforce Center. Discussion of selling the church on Ebay. Ebay requires sale to go through regardless of bidder’s capabilities. Can’t risk this. Insurance discussion. New Goals discussed. Focus change from saving Cathedral to saving the heart of Crookston. Going ahead with grant application to “Save America’s Treasures” for $500,000. Requires 1:1 match which we will approach City and McKnight Foundation.

2003 Mar.4. A couple from by the cities found our website and want to purchase the Cathedral. Discussion on how to protect the building from remuddling. Need references and need to do due diligence. $10,000 agreed on price. Proceed with grant application in case these people are not legit. Grant work was completed on Mar. 6.

2003 Mar.18. Approved LaVonne Wohl and Ken Brejha as new board members. Jean Brejha hired for mailing list and fundraising work paid through the Workforce Center. Gail Myers resignation accepted. Insurance for board members should be bought. Can’t afford. March 29th is clean up day. The auditorium chairs from the torn down High School will be in an ad in the Shopper as for sale. Kay placed it for six weeks. John put the chairs on the new website: www.crookston/

2003 April 22. Bishop Balke and attorney said that deed restrictions 1 and 4 could be waived if we take the crosses off, so that the building could be sold to the Petersons. Removing crosses will not be in compliance with being on the National Register of Historic Places. Also, zoned residential so a conditional use permit would be needed if Peterson opened a reception hall. 

2003 May 6, Still holding insurance check refund. Pursue different carriers. Peterson’s have become leery about the lot and location, but is still interested in buying it and now wants to move it to Long Prairie. He hasn’t answered questions we’ve asked, so we are not in favor of selling it to him to be moved. Jean resigned from her position due to personal reasons. Kay had a display up in the Library for National Preservation Week.

2003 May 20, Prospective buyer has backed out. Too many hoops he said. Ken Brejha offers to buy as a house. Same thing, need a sound proposal as to where approximately $1million will come from. Lee Marthaler said that he would pay the back taxes on the Wayne Hotel. We have found new insurance at a cost of $1200 every six months. Can’t afford. Kay receives permission from her work in tourism to spend some time on the tourism aspects of the former Cathedral and the Wayne Hotel. She has put out an online survey of area artists. John wants an exit strategy on the former Cathedral building. Kathy and Kay clean chairs we’ve sold.

2003 July 1, 22. Did not apply for Kresge grant because it needed one to one match on $1 M project and no support from City. Marthaler got miffed when he requested a break on the back taxes from the county board and they did not grant it to him, so he plans on letting it go tax forfeit and not give it to us. More discussion of Design Team coming to Crookston, will cost about $90,000 for a design charette weekend. City not interested. Separate from us, Rev Wolpert comes before the City Council and asks what the vision is for Crookston with all the vacant buildings. Kay calls him; he wants to see steeples saved and the rest torn down for a garden. The Sentence to Serve crew follows OSHA guidelines and can be hired for $60/day. Will they bird proof? Too high up says Susan Mills. A three-year Fundraising Plan discussed. Not enough board members to help with a food stand during the Mentor Arts and crafts sale. MN Arts Board feasibility study grant applied for. Didn’t get. 4-H no longer interested in helping with an Ox Cart concession stand. Banner and flyers created by Kay to give out in parade. Sprayed weeds with round up

2003 Aug. 19, Two articles in the Crookston Times so far. Discussion of an insert in the shoppers to raise funds as opposed to expensive mailings. Inserts cost: $60 for 1000, we print them, can’t pick out areas. Announcement of grant awards for the “Save America’s Treasures” delayed again till November.

2003 Sept. 16, Only John and Kay came. Discussion of exit plans for the Cathedral. What will it take for Kay to give up?

2003 Oct.21 Only LaVonne and Kay came. Discussion of $5M building fund that County has and wants to tear down perfectly sound former Villa St. Vincent, (Professional Building.)to build new jail on the spot. Not enough parking if do this. Beautiful leaded glass in this former Catholic owned building. Discussion of the building inspector’s many transgressions and note he is looking for legal ways to come after us. Found a guy willing to go up high on the inside to close gaps left by former Board’s boarding of windows where pigeons enter. Cost $400.

2003 November, canceled. Did not even qualify for grant on a technicality: Needs to be a National “Landmark” besides being on the National Register which means important to National history not only state. We cannot find this connection unless it is related to Catholicism coming to America through the French? Too vague. 

2003 December, canceled due to Christmas obligations. Permission from Kay’s work: Northwest Regional Development Commission to pursue using the Cathedral space as an outlet for fine crafts, fine arts, and quality products in their new regionalism strategy, the “Land of the Dancing Sky.”

2004, January 20. Jennifer Peterson resigns. Ken Brejha resigns. Kay appointed tempory treasurer. Fundraising letter mailed to Crookston upper income ranges. “ Steeple Elite $200 Leaders” needed to jumpstart project. Project redefined as outlet above, plus space to house, “Fresh Voices” a youth art group. No donations received.

Newsletter started, “A Matter of Fact,” meant to get the facts out to people.

Kay reported on results of asking the City of Crookston, the Diocese of Crookston, and the Polk County Board for including the Cathedral in their group insurance policies at a cost of less than $100 per year, their chance to put conditions on us through a sale and leaseback arrangement. City of Crookston did not allow Kay to come before the Finance committee, despite letter asking which committee and when, and so not understanding request, they simply said no they couldn’t insure the building while it was owned by us.

Diocese can’t help, their insurance requires a Catholic organization. Polk County was gracious, but have declined based on information provided by the Tax Assessor that a building owned by them will become taxable. Kay reported on property tax exempt status application due Feb 15 according to Tax Assessor, but Feb 1st is stated on the back of the form. Must reapply every three years, showing record of activities and financial reports.

2004, Feb 17, Approved opening “Cathedral Gallery & Store for our benefit, the benefit of the Humane Society, Artisans, and the Northwest Regional Development Commission in Warren. Changed name to “Prairie Skyline Foundation, Inc.”

2004, March 15. Balance $270.42.New brochure approved. Approved opening Cathedral Gallery in top of Humane Society. Commitments from eight artists so far. This project is basically a feasibility study. Separate from us, Sandra Peterson promoting the idea of “Artspace,” a nonprofit housing developer for artists, to be invited to look at the former Junior High School. Kay talks with Sandra, City won't spend any money. Wrote pre- proposal to the Northwest Minnesota Sustainable Development Partnership for a feasibility study.

Motion carried to make decisions over the phone or email with a majority vote as long as all members are contacted.

2004, April 20. Kay bought paint and UMC hockey players to help paint new gallery. UMC Service Learning vacant building history reports are done. Only a few of depth and value. Kay was able to see some of the main floor of the former Wayne Hotel by bringing up Minnesota Housing Partnership official. Kay toured the inside of former Z-Place with potential developer. Determined that without substantial grant funds, the approximately $350,000 project cannot be done. Accepted John’s resignation. 

2004, May 20. A $50 donation was accepted in honor of Mrs. Delahanty’s father, George _________. T Shirts and caps will be sold to benefit us. Donation Jar, and a display of former Crookston Central High School Auditorium chairs set up to be sold. Harry Christianson paid through a program of the Workforce Center will man the store.

2004, June 15. Balance $186.42. Received letter from the City stating that steeple ‘shingle” repairs must take place or legal action will follow. Lavonne gets a verbal structural assessment from YLR Architects from Fargo. The Cathedral is structurally sound.

2004, July 20. Kay’s work, the Northwest Regional Development Commission (NWRDC) has called a stop to Kay’s work on the Cathedral Gallery on NWRDC time. Ka y wrote a grant application to Central Harvest States (formerly Cenex) for operating. Kay sets up meeting re Wayne Hotel w/ an investor and advisor for July 29 6:30 pm at Otter Tail Power. Kay shows the completed steeple grant application to Mike McDonald and Aaron Parrish.

2004, August 16. A joint rummage sale fundraiser discussed for Oct 2 with the Humane Society. A Transportation Enhancement (TEA) Grant application package was explained.

2004 Sept. 21. Hold off on paying Flood fee due October 15 for $50. Can’t move forward with TEA grant without feasibility study for arts center. Mike McDonald, building inspector wants to see the inside of the former Cathedral and see if steeples can be accessed through hatch. Kay made up waivers of liability based on the County’s waiver for anyone to enter the Wayne Hotel, for him and any other he brings along.

Found Thrivent will only match dollar for dollar on fundraiser if Board is made up of a majority of Lutherans. Oh well. Central Harvest states turns down grant app. Kay checks out EDA funding,(must create jobs.)Letters of inquiries were sent out to possible funders. Kari Thompson, Crookston EDA Director’s Project Vitality has finally added an Arts Sector. We can’t pay the heat bill at the Gallery.

2004, October 18 notes: rummage sale profit was about $300; all went to the heat bill. Received word that steeple repair grant is funded! Paul Mercil informs Kay that City wants a building permit on Cathedral now, so she purchased one. 

2004, December. A pancake breakfast was held Dec 12 at the American Legion with help from the UMC Service Learning students. Weather was very bad, roads icy only a dozen people show. Proceeds $87, cost $50 for Legion donated, and $70 for food from Shanty. Kay donated pancake mix. Kathy syrup.

2004, February 15. $6000 is in the bank for the steeple project. The Cathedral Gallery 7 Store is closed. All consignment articles have been returned. The UMC Marketing Class did a PowerPoint on how to display and sell art in the new Cathedral Gallery. They also completed a survey of shoppers at the Gallery. Mostly positive comments!

2005, March 15 Plans for the Annual meeting in May 3 were made. Plans are for cotton candy at OxCart Days

2005 April 19. . LaVonne is chair of finding replacement hip and flat steeple shingles. Pat Tuseth has been contacted as a potential contractor. Kay announced plans to include the Cathedral Gallery in her new store to be open soon. She will donate heat. Paul Mercil is now City Building Inspector. Brian Carlson joins us. Clean up day for Cathedral set..

2005, May 24 Sheila Capistran Murphy and her daughter Laural join us. Some donations came in from Kay’s fundraising letter: Florence Rude, Glen Torkelson, and Rep. Bernie Lieder. Petitions to clean up and moth ball the former Wayne Hotel have been prepared and distributed to store owners to collect signatures. No pigeons inside Cathedral on clean up day. Repaired lock and hasp on North side sacristy door, someone broke into Sister Karen reported. Ryan Bakken does an article on the Union building.

2005, June 21 Paid flood fee and penalty. Agree to host “Top Ten Endangered buildings in Minnesota” display at Library, free except for cost of shipping.. Crookston Vitality planning starts up an Arts Committee, Kay attends. City starts on a formal Housing Study finally. Mary Pester’s son will not release the alumni mailing list for our use in fundraising as he had sworn to the alumni it will never be used for solicitations.

2005, July 26. Pros and cons of asbestos roof shingles discussed. One thing: they usually last forever if not struck. Tuseth said cost of labor will be $10,000-12,000 without cost of abatement. $150 in donations come in from mailing.

2005, August 16. Amanda Lien joins us in time to help with OxCart Days food cart. Made $600 because of donated use of food cart. Kay reported talking with the Bishop by phone. He suggested a working group of the Mayor (Osborne), the County and others and then may be willing to donate a nominal amount to show support for the project. (Because of Mayor Osborne’s attitude, this can’t happen just yet.) Floor of North Sacristy caved in due to pigeon droppings from open roof. Door must be secured ASAP. Moritorium on capital projects lifted by McKnight Foundation. Some interest on their part in Arts center. Kay in her consulting job found funding for a fledgling visual arts as informal therapy at Care & Share, the first example of a Working Arts Center activity.

2005, Sept. ___. Made about $300 on Oxcart Days. Kathy bought some plywood and stained it for windows. Kay applies to get steeple grant extended.

2006, March 21 Guest Lonnie Laffin of JLG Architects, John Reitmeier, Bud Svedahl. Discuss a plan for Wayne Hotel. Some windows covered. We meet in newly opened Kay’s Attic in the Union Building, opened March 3 to collect signatures on petition to save Wayne Hotel.

2006, June 27. $336.31 balance. Report on Steeple shingle project completed with help from Brian Wilchynski on June 23. Found that screen was left open after the church removed the bell from the center steeple and that’s why pigeons are in the steeples and the space between the ceiling and the roof. Steeple crosses were painted metallic gold by Nathan Hodgson for $130 labor, $30 paint. County delaying letting JLG Architects into the Wayne Hotel saying they have to draft a waiver of liability. Glen T and

Gerry M.joins the board. Another fundraising letter sent out for Artspace to come up and attorney fees for the Wayne Hotel if case may be. Kay needs pictures of inside of the North Sacristy for a new application re the flat roofs to the MN Historical Society. Heirs want to donate the former Crookston Paint & Glass building (next to Union building) to us.

2006, July and August canceled.

2006, Sept 18. A moment of silence for Laural Capistran Murphy. We raised $225 from fundraising letter. Steeple grant report sent in. Tried to get pictures from top of ladder of N. Sacristy roof in time for MN Historical Society Sept 1 grant deadline. Too windy and too short a ladder. OxCart Days had poor weather, and had to rent Coke trailer , still made some money. A lot of labor though. JLG Architects finally get inside the former Wayne hotel. Interior is pretty much destroyed by moisture and pigeons except for columns and floors. Plans move forward with drawings done to get costs.

A period of no meetings…..

Date: _________ Glen is to call Kathy. Voted over the phone and email to accept donation of former Crookston Paint & Glass building. Papers transferred Jan. 3. Owner had agreed to spend up to $2000 for new furnace. He sent $1700. We did receive an energy rebate of $250, so that sort of makes up for being gypped $300. We had paid the filing fees to Dan Rust of $250 too soon perhaps. Balance in checkbook about $250. We now have nothing.

March 22, 2007, We have $250 in checkbook. Accepted donation of former Crookston Paint & Glass building 109 & 107 W Robert. John is renting by paying for the heat for his own storage. Brian W hung plywood on the south side windows of the former Cathedral, and muscled the steeple hatch door open to a shower of pigeon manure! He fixed the screen to prevent any more pigeons coming in. The steeples appear to be sound. Metro Plains is working with the County on ownership of the former Wayne Hotel. Next newsletter will feature our role. Discussion of EPA “Brownfields” grant. Need pictures on inside of North Sacristy for grant. Kathy Peterson resigns.

2007, May 1, Uses for the former Crookston Paint & Glass building discussed. Polk County Historic Architecture Photography Contest rules approved. No donations of plywood. Historic Downtown walk and tuck pointing class set up for May Preservation Month. 

2007, May 10 Annual Meeting, New officers voted in. Eric Bergeson spoke on his efforts to save 3 Lutheran churches. The difference is his are still occupied. Don and Junie Mulvaney came.

2007 Jun 21. Plans were made for a grant application to save the exterior wall on the former Crookston Paint & Glass building. Brian C donates plywood to cover more broken windows, Kay donates stain. Clean up day set for July 28. Kay weed eats now. Discussion of potential fundraiser Cathedral Memorial Gardens. Decided not to do Ox Cart Days cotton candy due to last year’s fiasco. (Lori Wagner lets in a new vendor with Cotton Candy after the deadline.)

2007, July 17 Made plans for clean up day. Kay is to bring “Round Up.” Plans for straightening and strengthening wall at CP&G building developed. Not many forms for photo contest have been picked up. How to build a membership based foundation was discussed. Need for a feasibility study and a land survey on the reuse of the former Cathedral as a working arts center. 


2007 August. Planning a pancake breakfast.

2007 September meeting, dues are due, need to reserve two memorials: $50 Mrs. Delahanty’s father, and $50 for Laural Capistran Murphy. Fire Dept helped board up the highest south side window. Kay couldn’t get all the marketing for the pancake breakfast done in one month, plus sugar beet harvest start date moved up so canceled.

2007 October. Website: updated. More to do. The Northwest Minnesota Foundation turned down our pre-proposal for planning funds. Feasibility and planning funds doesn’t meet current Bremer Foundation guidelines. Talked about selling the former Cathedral on Ebay again. Not yet. Kay is to write Bishop Balke for assistance before his retirement.

2008, Jan. 17. Members want a better website. Bishop Balke did not respond to her letter or her two follow up phone calls. Letters to clubs to work together received one response from the Crookston Garden Club they are too old and too few. Changes have been made nationally as to how charities determine their non profit activities to keep free from property tax. Now must offer services at substantially below market. Discussion of taking on the Union Block supportive housing project in order to insure a cash flow to Foundation of a minimum of $1200 per month. Kay has completed all application materials. Must obtain cash match on all these projects and can’t seem to raise more than $200 to $300 at a time from community.

2008, Feb. 21. $28.61. Decided to create a large sign for window of former Crookston Paint & Glass building to advertise our Foundation. Use Kay’s phone number until web site improved. Kay reported a good conversation with Msgr. David Baumgartner about the letter to Bishop Balke. She is to send again along with a history of our works. Members reviewed dire need for affordable one and two bedroom apartments in Crookston. Polk County finally considering giving cost of demolition ($200,000 to $300,000) to Wayne Hotel project. Metro Plains has asked City for block grant funds. (We have a letter on file where we ask Cathedral to be included when this happens.) Kay visited with Aaron Parrish, City Adminstrator and reminded him. Sent 3 letters to gaming organizations for donations towards feasibility study.

New plans were made to do more education and new board member, Sandra McNichol will chair. We now have a six member board. Note Polk County has stated plans to tear down former Villa St. Vincent (Professional building) another perfectly sound building. 14 member Polk County Historical Society board is fixing the roof where the pipes froze when they turned off the heat on the former Carnegie library. Building is perfect for a coffee shop next to arts center.

2008, March Kay reported that the letter to Msgr. David Baumgartner was sent along with a copy of the Bishop Balke letter and a complete chronology of Prairie Skyline Activities. The letter requested help not only with the flat roofs, but also help from the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus like the work they did restoring Fort St. Charles, and advertising and promotion in “Our Northern Diocese, etc.”

May 27, 2008 Board made decision to move forward as owner applicant for the Union Building.

June 11, 2008 annual meeting. Changed mission from “Historic Crookston” to “Historic Region.” Included the words “by developing best uses including housing and the arts.” Also changed Article II from focus on a building a community center to “The general purpose of this corporation, and it's plan of operation shall be to educate, preserve, and develop historic buildings. 

July 16, 2008 Kay met with Valley Crossing Arts Council and Crookston Community Theatre regarding the arts center and to stay touch for the EPA “Brownfields clean up grant application. A work date was set to tear off falling plaster and wire lathe on the front of the old Crookston Paint & Glass building. 2008. Put out a “For Rent” sign.

September 16, 2008 Deposited $6,000 MN Historical Society Grant, we have to match with another $6,000. Looked at basement cave-in. Brian Wilchynski was in town and had supported the floor above before the cave in. He prepared a wall to pour concrete in. Building Inspector said whoa to the job, demanded an engineer lay it out. Sandra volunteered for the newsletter, and to put on social membership meetings. Sandra resigned as Treasurer, Kay appointed as interim Treasurer.

October 21, 2008. Reviewed and accepted Engineer drawing. Need to find someone to build the retaining wood stud wall.

June 11, 2008 Annual Mtg. Change Bylaws to read: The purpose of this corporation is:

To Rediscover, Redevelop, and, Revitalize Our Historic Region Crookston by

Developing best uses including housing and the arts


            c. Change Articles of Incorporation to read: ARTICLE II: The general purpose of this corporation, and it's plan of operation shall be to educate, preserve, and develop historic buildings. The said corporation...

From: ARTICLE II: The general purpose of this corporation, and it’s plan of operation shall be to provide a community facility for entertainment, recreation, and education. The said corporation….

July 21,2009. Kay reported not enough photographers entered the Photo Contest to create a booklet. On the CP & G Building, we owe about $3000 in bills, $2000 of which is for the block wall. Kay reported that she called VFW, Eagles, and American Legion. She reached Gary Lufkin who asked that the request for funds be sent in a letter. Kay sent to all 3 asking for $500 each. Brian is to get June’s rent, and if we need to get the water bill paid, which was to repair the leak at the meter when the pipes froze last winter. (if that's what's holding us up from getting her in tenant status) so we can start getting rent, then John would be happy to pay the bill and get it back from her first months rent. Brian will take on the Treasurers Job and Kay will take on the Presidents job. New Board member: Larissa Kurpius Brock.

Sept. 29, 2009. We discussed the bills and especially the bills regarding June Johnson. Brian gave Kay the past due notice sent to June from Otter Tail Power Co in the amount of $150. Kay said she had transferred the water bill into Prairie Skyline’s name on Sept. 17. It has been in June’s name with June receiving the bills. It is up to $120 now. Brian said that we had decided to pay the electric bill a long time ago, but never received a bill with dates of service on it from June, so it remained unpaid. We discussed the new poster in the 109 W Robt building. It was decided that Kay should call June about it and if no resolution we will need to look into the eviction process.

We had two great clean up days. One, we built a new basement door for the 107 W Robert side and cleaned up weeds and boards and junk around the building. Two, we made two more stained plywood pieces for the windows at the former Cathedral. Kay explained that money is available through HUD for the Union Building to house those with chronic mental illness. This is due shortly and is a more difficult grant app than the MN Housing one. It is a good fit with the Ending Long Term homelessness MN Housing one, but all will depend on if Dan Wilson will be a co-sponsor. The big difference between the one the banks didn’t sponsor and this one is that we will have to be part of a new LLC to run the building. She will work on this until she meets a roadblock. It is due Nov. 15th.

We talked about the MN Historical Society new “Legacy” grant and decided to apply for the former Cathedral’s two flat roofs, gutters and downspouts, and the windows, since the wood is so dry rotted, our plywood may not even stay in. This one is due Nov 1.

We talked about the Laura Musser grant app that is due Oct 15th! This could be our Artspace feasibility study money and will require partnerships. 

Feb. 24, 2009. Discussion of June Johnson moving out. Kay will ask June when she’s going to finish moving out and follow up with a letter. Kay will plan on hauling out the rest of the dirt and brick.

Discussion of former Cathedral: one more small window is broken, and the one next to it was found open today. We will need to put up more plywood as soon as possible.

So Glen made a motion to elect Brian Carlson to the Treasurer position, and Kay Hegge to the Board Chair/President position. Note, Kay also acts as Secretary/Archivist. John seconded. Motion Carried.

Feb. 18, 2010. Balance $5,067.05. Received $5,000 is for Artspace from the Laura J. Musser Fund. Will pay water bill on CP & G of $61. Approved. M/C Glen/John. The three year property tax exemptions were sent in by Brian and Kay on the Cathedral and the CP& G. Need to order checkblanks and get online with MissionFish, Paypal for ebay donations, and ebay listings. (Disregard DonateforGood it requires heavy fees.) $256 is in Red River Collections for electric bill on CP & G, there is an outstanding Great Plains Natural Gas bill as well.

Two grants were awarded! One from the Laura J. Musser Fund for $5,000 for the Artspace Visit. Approved. M/C John/Brian. Kay is to make Artspace April 14th and 15th sign to be made for window and one from the MN Historical Society Legacy grant program for $7,000 for a comparative feasibility study on the reuse of the Cathedral as a summer or year round NW MN Center for the Arts. Contracts were read and approved. M/C Glen/John. Brian and Kay are to work on total development costs.

An interim strategy of offering free grantwriting service to Polk County was discussed and consensus was approved for the Wayne/Palace Hotel now threatened again with the failure of Metro Plains 3 million in low income tax credit financing.

Brian arranged for a MN Preservation Alliance, “Top Ten Endangered Buildings in Minnesota” display at the Crookston Public Library. Kay wrote a press release. Sandra McNichol arranged for PSF to be allowed to salvage the houses acquired for the new dike in Sampson. 

Aug. 3, 2010. a presentation from Rev. Dan Wolpert regarding his idea for a “planned ruin” for the former Cathedral. He said that his group, Micah, paid for the architects from Canada that came and toured the Cathedral with Kay. They estimated the Cathedral could be done for about $700,000. Reed from the WSN Alexandria office has volunteered to do the initial work on the project. County will contribute maybe ½ the demolition costs. City likes the idea too. Dan said he thought it ideal if the Parks Dept ran it, or Micah could run it or we could run it. It would be used for weddings, photo shoots, concerts, etc. Motion by Brian and seconded by Glen to not say no, but let Dan know that we have to pursue our 3 season/full season feasibility study first.

Discussion at length about our strategy for the Wayne Hotel was next. Generally we wanted one last try for the building. Glen offered to “retire” and supervise the clean out of the building. He offered his own funds to buy it. Kay said she has found a team of attorneys, one local and one in the cities experienced in historic preservation matters that are willing to do pro bono work to first get a temporary restraining order and work toward a permanent injunction. Although all of us worried about how we will work with the city and county in the future after such an action, some felt it may come to this. The attorneys are preparing the documents right now so they are ready if we need them. 

The strategy we approved of is to have Brian talk on the phone to the two Crookston Polk County Board members to feel them out if they will work with us to stabilize the building. We also need them to accept the offer of the MN Preservation Alliance of an engineer’s structural assessment. We talked about not using the word, “mothballing.” We talked about applying the potential “open-air” space for concerts, weddings, and gatherings and felt that is more appropriate to the former Cathedral.

Kay said that the feasibility survey was just being conducted now and that Brian and her have to get on the development costs for the former Cathedral both as a summer pavilion and as a full season facility.

August 17, 2010 conference call with Attorney. 8/17/2010, Michelle Weinberg, our litigator from Fagre & Benson at 5:30 pm. All were on the phone. Glen made the motion to assess the situation after this coming Monday night’s Council meeting in which we will present the stabilization costs, the City office idea and the Palace Pavilion idea,and if the City is still adamant about tearing down the Wayne Hotel, file the complaints on Tuesday. Brian seconded, Motion carried.

Sept 22, 2010. discussed our final efforts for saving the former Wayne Hotel, Crookston. Kay reported on the response from the City which was a letter written so quickly that the ideas for the Wayne were probably not discussed. The response, obviously written by Aaron Parrish, City Admin. And signed by him and the Mayor. They did not believe Brian’s estimate on stabilization included any hazardous material abatement. So we responded to that in another public letter. 

The response by the County was more of the same, they say they listen, but their minds are made up. Both Craig Buness and Bill Montague attacked the integrity of our proposal and our Foundation. It was obvious they were coached to do that.

After much thought and prayer, Kay recommended that the Board pursue legal action. Glen made a motion to to pursue legal action if MN Preservation Alliance will be in with us as co-plaintiff. Brian seconded. M/C.

Kay was quoted by WSN that a survey of the Cathedral property would be in the thousands. Brian said to call back and ask what it would cost to just stake it out.

We need to ask for an extension (again) on the Crookston Paint & Glass grant. Kay has calls in to Steph Helgeson UMC AD, and Jon Bittner ,CHS football and hockey coach re cleaning out the basement. We received some nice store fixtures from Dick Maves as a donation. 

mailed a money order for the store sales after paying expenses, and included a $50 donation from Bob & Joyce Johnson.

August 3, 2011. The gist of the meeting was to check with the Preservation Alliance if their engineer will also provide information on stabilizing the building and the costs of that. This is a carrot to include with the proposal that the City and County can save money (and face) by turning the Wayne into an indoor parking lot. It is ok with the Preservation Standards with some documentation, just waiting now to hear from the Alliance. Then the next step will be to present the idea. 

August 9, 2011. After much discussion, we decided to talk to the City and County regarding an indoor parking lot idea for the Wayne Hotel. It was felt that the leaders could get their arms around this idea and perhaps save the Wayne for future development. Before we approach them, we need to know the costs of the structural stabilization that will be needed to pursue this idea. Kay asked Erin Berg of the MN Preservation Alliance if their Engineer could include this costing as part of the proposed and turned down offer of a structural assessment. Erin emailed back and said no that would cost too much for what they had available through their grant.

Mar. 22, 2012. First meeting since lost the Wayne Hotel lawsuit. vote by email on 10/5/2011 to pay back taxes on CP & G due because even though we are non-profit, the County mails out taxes to the owner of record on Jan. 1. It would have gone to the Crohn family in CA who probably through it away. We didn’t know about these taxes because of a miniscule box on the tax bill that was checked re back taxes owing. We found out this information after several discussions with different County officials. Each of which told us a different story. From now on use only Arla at the County re taxes.

Raised $ 921 with 61 phone calls, 40 some donated for back taxes on CP & G building,

The thrift shop sold chairs for $300. Really bad condition of Cathedral: it now smells pigeon. Legacy grant due June 1st. Met with Red Hatters at the invitation of Jan Delage.

Store needs new wiring. We can tear out old.

May 24, 2012. Cynthia Ansbacher was welcomed and gave a very good report of the opening of the thrift shop in 107-109 W Robert St. She has been organizing, cleaning, and pricing goods that came from Kay’s Attic and recent donations. It is hard work without heat in the building. We thanked her for all her hard work.

ordered a powerpoint presentation and a book and a membership in the Association of Children’s Museums with $150 from the store till. Her friend, who is a student will place the order to get the student membership rate. The powerpoint is necessary to present a case to city leaders to subsidize operating of the center. 

We hope to have lights soon at the store. Reese electric will do it for about $800. He wants to check everything that we have cut off first to make sure that nothing is turned on that could cause a fire.  

The former Ruetell’s Clothing/Brent’s Music/ZPlace building is slated for demo by the County. The County bought the former Rocks Jewelry next to it for $30,000 so they could tear down both easier than one alone. They plan to tear down the former Professional Building/Villa St Vincent Rest Home as well. Kay will send a letter to the editor of the Times

We need more repairs on the Thrift Store. The back entrances to the basement have been damaged by the Crookston Plow, the roof has a leak, and the fake storefront is falling off of 107 W Robert. Kay will fix or hire someone to help. 

August 2, 2012. Kay noted that the large stabilization Legacy grant application was sent in on time. Kay and Glen decided to work together to clean up the pile of broken brick behind the store. Glen offered to weedeat both at the store and at the Cathedral.

Nov. 29, 2012. No Oxcart days parade entry. Voted no via email re spending $2400 tuckpointing the lower 5 feet of the entire east wall. This was Chris Svigum,a friend of Glen’s quote. It is about $12 square foot and $4 a linear foot for long cracks. We will wait and see if the Small Cities Block Grant awards a grant. If they do, we will need a 30% cash match either with a loan or otherwise. Temporary repairs were made to the storefront and to the roof and to the basement entrance. We will be needing a new roof.

The large Legacy grant was turned down because we need actual specs prepared. Brian will check if his firm will donate the time it takes. We will need these by the application deadline in May 2013.

May 1, 2013. We toured the Cathedral Exterior to look at damage up under the gutters on the South Wall. Noted two more areas are weak, along with the place where about 15 bricks came off. The southeast corner has a large crack and a brick loose above the window as well. Brian felt that the corner repair can wait for Legacy app which has a new deadline of Aug 21. We found the 2 doors to basement on East side very loose. Also noted another hip shingle on the steeple blew off. A glass section is out on south side. Kay put up caution tape.

Store opened April 27 with a $170 day. It was too cold during the week following to be open. Kay will be able to order respirator masks, and netting as soon as masonry repair is done and sales deposits start coming in.

Total Net Sales from Store last year: $5100. Budget for Repairs to Church first since we have a Hazardous Building Order from the City dated April 23 and Brian received it April 24, which needs to be repaired by May 14th (20 days from receipt) on fallen brick and pigeon droppings on steps.

reported on two planning meetings for children’s museums. They went well, with five new volunteers, and the Mayor, Wayne Melbye and Bob Gustafson in attendance. They wanted to know if I can separate my leadership into Cathedral and Children’s Museums in other vacant buildings like Supervalue.

August 26, 2013. reported that the store has had a tough summer with a series of thefts that added up to about $300 and the cost of changing four locks of another $150. Robert Street was closed for over a week and more fixing is coming. Cynthia our number one volunteer was gone on a trip for three weeks and out for surgery for two weeks so the store was closed a lot. Kay can’t get there till after 3 or after 4 in the summer due to work. 

Randy didn’t show to replace the back service door on Cathedral and he was the one who stole $20 at a time from us. 

Children’s Museum meetings were postponed, nobody shows up in the summer.

Small Legacy grant for structural analysis and use as a planned ruin was not applied for because of the timing of the award would occur after applying for the mothballing large Legacy grant. It would be confusing to the grantors to be asking for funds to mothball and save the Cathedral at the same time as costing out a “planned ruin” in which we really don’t want to do and the Cathedral never had a fire like St. Boniface anyway.

The new building inspector sent a letter to Brian regarding inspecting the Cathedral. This was in response to the back service door being taken out by vandals on August 9th. The police found Kay at the thrift shop and the fire department hauled a 4x8 sheet of plywood and Kay made a temporary fix immediately. Randy was a no show again on Saturday morning, but Carl from the Care and Share repaired the door. Green treated wood was bought to replace the door frame and a small masonry drill rented. Cost about $78. Carl donated his time and said that he had shoved the door back in several times in the past.

The building inspector and one fireman, Kent Ellingson toured the inside of the building and took pictures for the building inspectors files. Kay explained what all will be included in the Legacy grant app due Sept 21 and asked for their advice as well. 

Kay noted two more windows broken, she and Carl will fix up high in the east with netting, and the small window to the north with plywood. Also the risers to the altar get broken out by pigeons coming in from the north sacristy through the basement. Fresh poisen put out. 

We toured the thrift store and agreed we HAVE TO at least try for a mortgage on the building to participate in the downtown block grant. 

Oct. 17, 2013. October 17, 2013 notes from meeting with Prairie Skyline Board Members: Kay Hegge, Chair, Brian Carlson, Treasurer, and Glen Torkelson Vice- Chair. Shannon Stassen, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director introduced those present: UMC Chancellor Fred Wood, Stephanie Harbott, Attorney, and Craig Hoiseth, CHEDA Director. Also present were Steve Hannah, UMC IT Director and Alvin Killough, UMC Psychology Department, both representing the idea of children’s museums for Crookston, Sandy Kegler, Crookston’s Visitor’s Center.

Kay started with a summary of the Board’s formation and growth. In 1991 the former Cathedral on Ash Street was officially closed with the opening of the new style Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception next to Cathedral School on Summit Ave. Sister Justina of the Care & Share homeless shelter wanted the former rectory building on Ash Street for housing for homeless families. See the story of the Lost Stained Glass on the A new Skyline committee was formed in 1996 to take possession of the cathedral in hopes of saving it. They faced some big problems, Protestants thought the building was a Catholic problem, while Catholics that had “lost” their beloved cathedral were too angry to help the new group. The committee obtained their 501 c 3 status, and had to take Polk County to the Supreme Court of MN about paying property taxes. By now, any momentum was lost. I came on board in 2003 and found that there really wasn’t any historic capital grants available except a small one through the MN Historical Society. We did utilize that money to repair the steeples. We didn’t have much success fundraising without a reuse plan. We spent a lot of energy trying to save the Wayne Hotel from demolition, which was such a loss, we wondered how we will ever be able to fund the cathedral. We opened a thrift store in 2012 to help raise matching funds. Finally, Legacy grant funds came available and we funded a study of Crookston’s gaps and put together a plan for a combination children’s museum focused on the arts/theatre which could be utilized for a youth center as well. Kay gave out copies of both the short and the long version of the proposed reuse of the cathedral.

Brian Carlson, architect with JLG Architects in Grand Forks talked about the building’s stability. He explained that Rev. Dan Wolpert’s idea of a “Planned ruin” will have to have an engineer’s statement that it is possible or not possible. Kay handed out comments from the MN State Historical Society that stated that they would not favor a ruin idea, since it is not one to start with. In other words, we would lose our main source of funding. Brian explained what we included in our large Legacy grant proposal which was mailed to the MN Historical Society Sept. 21, 2013. Included is the replacement of the flat sacristy roofs, now totally gone. We will repair all the gutters and downspouts, and repaint all the metal trim. We will be boarding up all the windows uniformily, and even making gardens under the newly boarded up windows. We want to make the cathedral attractive again. We will hear on this grant in January. We included a 10% cash match, lots of in-kind labor for a total of about $100,000. If we are not awarded a grant, we will reapply next year.

Chancellor Wood said that his interest in the cathedral is to remind us of what a great icon we have for Crookston. He said he was inspired by seeing the three spires from far away and when he went close, he was saddened by its condition. He suggested we have better signage on the cathedral. Shannon told the story about Bob Janorschke, former Police Officer who said a prayer of thanksgiving every night while making his way home past the spires. He suggested we gather these stories to make the cathedral come alive.

We talked about the “sister” cathedrPosted on December 4th, in Duluth which was made into a Music Center. Stephanie suggested we encourage everyone who visits Duluth to go there and take a look at what could be here. 

Craig Hoiseth asked if we had ever thought about adding on to the Cathedral and Kay explained that the building itself was only 7500 square feet about the same size as the footprint of the Wayne Hotel. It fills the lot it sits on with the new dike directly behind it. Craig asked about the numbers. Kay said that we have preliminary figures on the restoration of the cathedral at 1.1 million. One good thing, is the McKnight Foundation is making capital grants again. The estimate on the children’s museum operating is pretty bare bones and needs to be fleshed out by a person good at pro-formas. 

Steve and Alvin spoke to the idea of children’s museums. Someone asked if the idea can stand separate from the Cathedral, and Kay explained we only want the arts youth center piece. Stephanie asked if we had considered the Eagle Drug building. It would be perfect for this kind of use. Alvin and Kay were thinking to start very small with proposals to teachers and local downtown businesses with some available “back alley” spaces. Chancellor Wood said that he was familiar with children’s museums and that the struggle for operating funds is month to month. Kay said that she wants to see a small property tax go towards operations or a new Fund set up like the expiring Flood Fund. But all agreed these things are far away and that we need to get the grant award, announce it and then have some fundraisers for the matching funds.

The vision today is that the cathedral looks like it should be torn down before it falls down. When the building starts getting “pretty” once more, people will be able to imagine a different vision, maybe even the larger vision of the “Castle” the “Fortress” (the former Methodist Church) tree houses in Central Park, and a petting zoo in the old Bus garages along with Central Square and the Carnegie Library.

April 1, 2014 Sales were $5578.14 (includes sales tax collected) about the same as last year which was the first year we started. This is a good number because we had road construction on Robert, Cindy gone to Finland, and Cindy’s back surgery. We were open 166 days which after expenses of $1442 left $4235.71 which we were glad to have on hand to repair the masonry on the top of the Cathedral. We had $4081 of taxable sales and $1597 in non-taxable clothing sales. Kay filed the sales tax form online, and the bill needs to be paid.

Great humane pigeon removal in January. A verbal offer was made on the store building from Tim and Jerry Persson who bought the Quist building next door from Scot Maves. Scott Mave’s application for Small Cities Block apartment grant money was transferred to the Persson’s. Last summer the Persson’s wanted to buy our store building to tear it down for parking for their new apartments. They offered $10,000 and rent free for five years in the old Kay’s Attic space. We would have to repay the $6,000 grant on the basement stabilization netting only $4000, plus we are not in the business of tearing down historical buildings. 

The MN Historical Society has moved up its deadlines and is trying to fast track these Legacy grants so their Board review is set for August 14-15. We will submit our old application on May 2.

A motion by Brian and seconded by Glen for Kay to approve an offer from CHEDA and if offered less to call a board meeting. 

August 20, 2014. Large Legacy grant application was completely changed per the MN Historical Society’s advice. It became an application for Engineering/Architectural work including a Conditions Assessment for a grant total of $13,000, $3,000 of which is our cash match. It was sent in on June 21st. and we will hear in September. 

We receive the $25,000 on the thrift store building when building is vacated. We owe $1000 of taxes on the building which will need to be paid at that time.

The thrift store is not making as much as usual because of the 25%, then 50%, and now 75% off sales to close the store. Cindy quit as well, so the store is not open as much as it used to be. There is no suitable building available to move the store. Consensus was to hire someone to take down the historic pressed tin ceiling in the thrift store. We will store it in the cathedral. Getting estimates on windows, front steps, and 2 new crosses.

February 17, 2015. Received a small Legacy grant of $10,000 for design work. Sent out RFP's and chose RRA, Inc. of Bemidji as Architect for design work for a large Legacy grant to stabilize Cathedral. Approved a budget. We have a balance of $39,772.34. $13,000 is reserved for architectural work, $20,000 for large Legacy grant app due in August. Paid taxes on Cathedral. Voted to grow our Membership and increase the Board Members by a minimum of two. Kay notes the hatch to the South steeple is open but there is no ladder and we should get one made. Wind blew out small narrow window in front. Kay fixed. Another 175 pigeons removed. Cathedral getting messy again when wind blew in temporary blocked door to north sacristy and they all came back in again. We need to build a frame for this. 

2015, May 13 Annual Meeting Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Cynthia Ansbacher for all her hard work getting the thrift store up and running and for keeping it going while Kay worked 2 jobs. Store report was given. Guest, Andy Janssen gave a photo "tour" of St. Anthony's church in Terrebonne. Still owned by the Diocese, the Bishop plans to tear down the building despite local putting in over $30,000 of their own money to keep it up over the years. Kay recommended a mailing fundraiser as it's not her style to have a bunch of events. Cynthia asked if there were plans for the situation should the group lose Kay's leadership. Kay said that her plan is to get the building stabilized and clean, and Memorial flower gardens planted. She would love to hand over grant-writing if at all possible. Passed a motion to put in a $50 bid for the old Methodist Church.

2015, June 30. Talked about the final removal of the old Central High School Auditorium seating which makes it easy for pigeons to hide their nests. A lengthy discussion of the rule changes of MNHS Legacy guidelines which were brought to light by an email from Catherine Sunderland saying that we can't apply for another large Legacy grant until the open grant is closed. However, because of the late date of the rule change, we can still apply if we get every milestone completed and final report in on time to allow time for 30 day reviews on each plus administrative time to close out the grant by September 25, 2015. We anticipate a problem anchoring the window support system only through broken panes. It was the consensus that we still send in our preapp for stabilization construction by July 31, 2015, knowing that RRA, Inc. feels they can complete their part, and that the review of the first 2 milestones may tell us what to do about the windows. 

2015, August 31 Cynthia Ansbacher and Andy Janssen were voted in as new Board Members. A man from Karlstad got the bid on the old Methodist Church. Receipts have to be in excess of $50,000 in order to file the long form990 for IRS. We are waiting on estimates to repair the south steeple leak at the roofline. Andy and Cindy have taken some great photos that will be used in a display at the Library while we have the leak repaired.

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Please note, on top of what we do at PSF, our team also works full-time and have families! It may take a day or two to respond, please be patient!